Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tara & Jeremy!

Tara and Jeremy met over 6 years ago. It took a little while for them to start dating, but once Jeremy asked Tara out for dinner, the rest is history! Since they love to go hiking, I took them to one of my favorite hiking and photography locations, Sleeping Giant State Park. During the shoot I caught Jeremy looking at the stream for fish for his fish tanks. I'm sure there were a few as the stream was really flowing. So much so it changed some of the regular landscape that I'm used to seeing! I'll be photographing their "pink tie only" wedding next July. Tara ensures me that "it's going to look like someone vomited pink," her favorite color.

It was tough to pull off a longer exposer shot during the day! I just wanted that water to look smooth.

Here I go again with the ring!

Even though I was in a forest, it took me a little while to find a leaf that would stay attached to the branch it was on.

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