Back on April 5th I photographed
Christina and Brett's wedding. I told Christina then that if she ever wanted to take more photos after the wedding, I'd be more than happy to! She was a natural in front of the camera. When she asked about doing a trash the dress session, I was thrilled! I did have some big ideas, but, Christina does want to keep her dress. So "mess the dress" we did.
We started out at her parents house where they wanted some more pictures. Christina's parents are away, so these will be a surprise to them! Did I just give that away? Hey Christina, do they read this blog?

The fall foliage is all on the ground at this point in the year.

I love this shot. I already have 3 canvas prints of Christina on my office walls. I guess there's going to be a fourth! I'm going to take some time to try and photoshop out the sign that's hanging off the fence.
That's Brett's reflection in the shades.

Walking back to our cars we saw the last tree with any leaves on it.

I'm a car fanatic. There are about 15 automotive blogs that I read. I followed Christina and Brett during the start of our drive and I couldn't figure out what he was driving. Somehow I missed out on knowing that Volkswagen released a new car, the CC. When I took this picture the car had only been out for 3 weeks. Brett works for a Volkswagen dealer, so lucky him, he is driving one. I have to say, it's really nice. Finally something that makes me want a Volkswagen (besides a Golf R36).