Saturday, May 31, 2008

Recovery (Not The Lightroom Slider)

So... the wisdom tooth swelling caused a problem with the nearby nerve. It has caused the left side of my face to become weakened or pretty much paralyzed. My wife and I have been relating it to Bell's Palsy. It is the left side of my face that I cannot move, barely able to even blink an eye. I am seeing slight improvement as the days go by. Recovery can take a few days, weeks, months, even up to a year. I am on medication that should help a little.

It is an unfortunate situation that will keep me away from being in front of the camera for a while which is why .tv hasn't had any new posts. Not just because I look like I had a minor stroke, but because it affected my speech as well. So until I am able to be on camera again and regain full speech functions, .tv will be off the air. HOWEVER! you can always e-mail me your questions as so many of you have been doing.

One things is for sure, I will continue to photograph! I've already shot 2 weddings with my left eye, since that one stays open. Normally I look through the lens with my right eye. I would love to be able to do that, but I can't close my left eye. I have thought about wearing a patch so I can shoot, but what bride wants to see their photographer show up with a patch over one eye?!

The other dificulty is staring at a computer screen all day. Photo editing has become a slower and somewhat painfull process. I am working on photos as much as I can on a daily basis.

That's all for now. I personally think it's going to take 2 more weeks to recover.


  1. Wow I wish you a speedy recovery man.

  2. oh god - I JUST now read this---so sorry to hear about what happened. Although you know---an eye patch COULD become a trade-mark look! I've always though I need to start wearing like a big funny hat, or something that I get 'known' by :)

  3. I considered the eye patch! Then I considered how freaked out the bride would be if her photographer showed up with an unexpected eye patch.

  4. Hey RE: NOOO fun! I've had my own nightmares with wisdom teeth, don't want to visit there again. Just to add a bit of humor, I think that learning to shoot with your left eye can only benefit your craft. Half of us are dyslexic anyway! Hang in there.

  5. Krystal and I wish you a quick and full recovery. We hope your brides understand and are being patient with you.
