I've been getting a lot of great responses from the RE:WORKSHOP in Sacramento. How can I not share a few?!?!?!
If anyone wants to host the RE:WORKSHOP at your studio, let me know! I'm available across the US!
"I first wanted to thank you for the fabulous workshop in Sacramento. You were great! ... Your workshop was just what I needed. A good kick in the pants to get going! I've had a website that I've been meaning to update for a year. Plus, no real "plan" set. Thanks. You've inspired a few sleepless nights already because I'm just too excited & motivated! So thanks! I am so grateful! More that you'll ever know!" - Jo Merandi
"Thank you so much for sending all this information. You taught me so much during our time together. Thank you for being so open and candid. I truly appreciate all that you did for me. And sharing your files so freely has just saved me so much time. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" - Jennifer Moon
"Thanks so much, RE. It was great to meet you and learn from someone who takes the business of photography so seriously. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us as it really was refreshing to learn what you do without any hesitation. I never felt you were just telling us a few little things to get us by.... I've already used the materials you provided to gather more details about the day and to help keep me on task. I love it and I feel like the bride already sees more value in what I am providing her. Thanks!" - Caryn
"Thank you so much for your presentation and ever giving spirit. You were so generous to go over the extra hour and to give us so much information. I was most interested in the organizational aspect of your presentation. I have started to check my email twice a day and keep my inbox clean. This is an example of it. I just sat down to check emails and I am now dealing with them. That has created a huge space in my brain because once I have dealt with the email, I don't have to keep trying to remember to do it...IT'S DONE. I'm still working on folder structures, but I'm progressing. Thanks also for the extensive examples of the technical camera setting stuff... Thanks again so much for your time." - Mark Dong
"Thank you sooo much! These are going to be so helpful as was your workshop. I'm totally overwhelmed and feel so unorganized but at least now I know where I want to end up. You gave us tons of good and needed information and I can't thank you enough. I hope to see you soon" - Crystal Jones
We meant every word. This workshop is a "must"!!