First off... I left San Francisco Tuesday around 5pm and it was a cool 72 degrees. By time I got to Sacramento the car was reading 107!!!!

After the RE:WORKSHOP about half of us from the workshop went out for dinner.

Leaving Sacramento the next morning I wanted to see the capital building. It was just a drive by, I needed to get back to San Francisco.

On the highway I spotted a '72-'73 Volvo 1800 ES. I'm a car fanatic, and a former Volvo owner myself. My wife now has a XC90. But what struck me about this 1800 ES is the similarity to the new C30's. And I thought Volvo was trying to put out something "new."

The haze from the wildfires was evident almost the whole drive. You can just about smell it too.

Some of the fires were pretty close to the highway! I even hit some traffic while some fire trucks were spraying foam on a burnt tree.

Before leaving CA I had to gas up the rental. And I though CT had high prices at $4.37 a gallon. CA was at $4.69!

Then the most confusing thing happened on the plane. This was on all of our screens on Jet Blue:

Everyone was confused and commenting on it. We were on a Jet Blue plane!!! After 15+ minutes of seeing this, the video finally played. It seems we are no longer flying... we are "jetting" with Jet Blue.
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