Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ruby & Tony!

I made it out to San Francisco! I got no sleep on the plane... I can never sleep on a plane. So I went right from the airport to meet up with Ruby and Tony at the Golden Gate bridge to do their engagement shoot. It was a little hazy from the wild fires, and the wind was kicking up on the bridge. But I guess the wind is normal? Then it was off to the beach! Ruby has a thing for jumping. It was her big request to get some jumping shots.

Thanks to Ruby for taking the long walk up to the bridge columns in her heals!

They only had one side of the bridge's walkway open so the bicycle riders were on the pedestrian side. They were going through non stop.

Great for the album layout!

We went as far as taking shots UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge.

Ok Ruby... you can jump.


  1. Babe-- I LOVE these pics of Ruby and Tony!! Talk to you soon--Kelley

  2. RE these are great! love the bridge shots and the shot with the motion blur of the biker riding past.

  3. Ruby got engaged! Congratulations Ruby, it was so nice to meet you out in CA!
